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free rock show..

went to abhis place to do my project..... we finally complted the full interface baring some minor details like the accounts module which we still have to discuss with the company. we had to start with our database today ... we had already made the schema in the object oriented style but as we found out the or mapper we were going to use called llbl gen pro converts relational schema into c3 ( oo) code which is totaly the opposite of what we planned for . so now we ourselfs have to map it ( the oo schema) to realtional schema which will be a bit tedious .

mohit had taken up the resposibility but it seems that he wasnt going to turn up today. the fellow has some serious issues to sort out ! he is so unpredictable ..but i dont blame him .. hes a stud .. the fellow can manage to sneek out of any sticky situaton like a eel. he the only feloow is guess in history to have not atended the whole of a semester and actually manage to get away with it ! :-o i dont know how he does it but i respect him for that .. as abhi says what ever happens .. mohit will be the first one to get a job amongst us . amen to that !! he'll prove to be an invaluabe friend in the long run !!

anyway , coz he dint turn up abhi and i decided to to go to vt to do somethig .. vaibhav wanted to exchange some cds there so he came along too. so did 2 of abhi's room mates. the fellow from whom vibhav had bought the cds turned out to be such a fraud .. he was not willing to actually take back the cds at first but along came this other fellow pretending to be the good guy and tricked us all ... actually vibhav into buying 3 blank cds and 2 other cds which were some other crap games .. for 150 bucks !! i hoep vibhav learnt his lesson . the fellow is the ultimate example of people being penney wise and pound foolish. after all this we decide to call up madu coz hes like the local fellow in south bombay .. as we had expected he said that there was this arts festival going on in kala ghoda and that there was a rock show going to be held at 2030 hrs . and the best part was that it was free ...

met up with madu and decide that we should first have our dinner so we went to the near by mc to have a burgur or too to satify our tummies. hurried back and met up madu again in the park that was supposed to hold the show.. a band called Pentagram was playing ... and they really SUCKED .. i mean all their own songs had no life or energy to them ... the fact that the lead singer was jumping around throwing water on the audiance and shouting obscenities wasnt making thier songs any better ... the only thing which was worth mentioning was that they played the background score of prodigy and one of pink floyds famous tunes - we dont need no education .. thank god that it was free .. other wise the crowd would have killed all four of em for playin such sad songs ..

reached home at around 12 at night and surprisingly mom nor dad said anything !!!


Anindita said...

You had a blast! AND you parents didn't say anything!! Lucky you!! :)